Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethics CSR Dilemma By Franz F Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Ethics CSR Dilemma By Franz F . Answer: Introduction: The human resource management has a broader relationship with ethical dilemmas. They are often being caught as surrounded by ethical dilemmas concerning the distinguished scenarios where decisions are supposed to be made that are high in moral values and productive also to the organization. Their credibility is then tested in such dilemmas as any sort of mistake concerning the ethical values is a door to unwanted criticism. Hence, they are needed to take the help of theoretical backgrounds necessary to deal with the dilemmas. One of such theoretical backgrounds is the Normative Ethical Theory. It resembles its orientation with the philosophical ethics. Philosophical ethics consider a set of questions to be answered to reach a feasible, yet a moral solution (Kagan 2018). Chosen dilemma: The chosen dilemma in this essay revolves around Franz F who is the HR manager at the UK based subsidiary center of a multinational German company. The company has now been taken over by an American multinational company. The board of directors at the headquarter center in America has now decided to increase the net profit of the company. Consequently, instructions have been communicated to Franz F to take the necessary steps within 6 months of time. The HR manager does very well know that British labor law does not protect the firing of employees. Employees can be fired with just a minimal notice. Hence, Franz F has arrived at a conclusion that firing seniors who are drawing huge salaries can be a good answer to the circumstances. However, the HR manager is confused whether his decision is ethical as some seniors are very loyal to the company. Additionally, some seniors are also the friends of Franz. If Franz fires the young junior employees then in future there may be a labor shortage after the retirement of senior employees. Aim of the essay: The essay thus investigates the possible ethical answer in the light of normative theory. A deontological moral theory is being used as the normative position to identify the answers to the case scenario. Specifically, the prime focus is on Kants theory to resolve the case scenario. Deontological moraltheory: Deontology argues that factors of rights and duties of an individual are important while making any ethical decision (Paquette, Sommerfeldt and Kent 2015). There are some theories of deontologicalsuch as the follows: Categorical Imperative of Immanuel Kant: Kant defined an imperative as a commandment validating an action to be as necessary. A categorical imperative means an unconditional and an absolute need which must be fulfilled or obeyed under any circumstances. Such actions are always justified (Bowen and Prescott 2015). John Rawlss Contractualism: According to John Rawls, the moral actions are those that all agree if they were unbiased (Badano 2018). Natural rightstheories of Robert Nozick or John Locke: As opined by Robert Nozick or John Locke, human beings have unconditional, natural rights (Vallentyne 2014). Interpretation of the DeontologicalMoral Theory: Different theories supporting the views of deontologicalhave been discussed and are found that an individual is allowed to use their power or authority to fulfill the needs without being biased to decision making. According to the faith, the ethical practice need not focus on the consequences rather; it needs to realize the one's rights and duties. The most ethical thing that a person can do is an appropriate use of its power and rights to fulfill their duty. It means that doing the duty is more important than just caring the happiness of every single person. The decision must be high on ethical values and need not be favoring the biases. Hence, the deontological belief preaches the importance of ethical decision making while not preferring the happiness of all the people (Silva et al. 2018). Deontologicalbeliefs in context to the case scenario: The chosen case scenario is bit confusing and challenging as well for Franz F. The HR manager has no clues on the best feasible decision which is in adherence to the normative ethics. The HR manager has summed up few solutions such as dismissing seniors to easily cut down the expenses. However, the decision would mean a loss of job for those also who have been loyal to the company for several years. It would also cost those who have been close friends of Franz. The HR manager in this situation appears to have a bit biased feeling for his friends. The other solution that the HR manager has is dismissing the junior employees. In this case, youth junior employees would be losing their jobs. However, this is also not feasible as seniors would no longer be available. They are ageing and hence, their retirements may cost the labor shortage. This will produce the necessity for recruiting fresh talents. Additionally, dismissing the juniors just because few seniors have been the very good fri ends of HR manager is unethical from the perspective of normative ethics (Kagan 2018). The normative ethics suggest that ethical values need to be given the preference over anything. Being biased to few seniors is unethical and should be highly avoided (Kagan 2018). The deontological belief suggests that wrongness or rightness of an action is not related to the consequences. It is rather fulfilling the duty which is only ethical provided that if it is free from any biases. The decision must be highly ethical (Linehan and OBrien 2017). In the given scenario, Franz F needs to avoid biased feeling for few seniors. The HR manager needs to realize that ethical practice is more important than using power for wrong causes such as supporting the friends. It is unethical because junior employees have their rights as well. According to the deontological views, there should not be any biases with them. They should be given the equal importance if they are potential employees. On the other hand, if few senior employees are not potential and ageing also they should be chosen for the dismissal. If they are also potential they should be retained till the time they have their service period left (Ekuma and Akobo 2015). However, this is not an appropriate answer to the given scenario. Suggestions to Franz F: The HR manager has a very challenging task and needed to complete this within the six months period. Given the situation, dismissing the seniors will give an instant solution to the issue. However, the human resource management is expected that their decisions do set high values to the normative ethics. Hence, the decision must be analyzed thoroughly to make it high on ethical values and justifying also. Given the suggestion, it is best feasible to maintain a balance between the seniors and the junior young employees (Baarle et al. 2015). The freshers or very less in experience employees need to be given enough time to help them groom their skills. On the other hand, if few seniors are very close to their retirement they should be dismissed considering that it will significantly help in saving the expenditure. Those who have been loyal to this company and are highly experienced they need to be retained. This is also necessary, so that, juniors do not develop any negative vibes in the m regarding the job security. Additionally, freshers might get badly affected by this and hence, their development as the skilled professionals might also be hampered (Baarle et al. 2015). It is important to know why so much importance is given to ethical values. The next section of this study discusses the reason why there is a necessity to be high on ethical standard while making any decision. Importance of ethics in human resource: The human resource management is the one body that directly deals with the recruitment policy. Nevertheless, they are at the forefront when making a decision on dismissing employees. It is indeed a process that produces the dismissal of few selected employees. Indeed, it is often considered that the human resource management is the highly responsible body in such regards. Therefore, it is imperative that the human resource management is highly ethical in everything it does. Attempts need to be given to avoid any such circumstances that produce a criticism. Such criticism may also damage the reputation of the employer. Hence, the human resource management needs to take care of following factors: Legal considerations: Breaches of ethics may attract legal actions to be imposed upon the employer. The breaches in regards to employees dismissal may be taken strictly by the different governing bodies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (French and Strachan 2015). The case may end up in favor of the employer; however, this may still hamper the loyalty standard that the employer had set up. Additionally, professionals may be resistive to applying for a job in the same company. This is not a very good sign considering a fact that retirement of seniors will produce a labor shortage (Ardanaz and Mares 2014). Reputation of employer: As already discussed in the aforesaid section, the reputation of the employer will get hampered. Job security is a big concern for professionals specifically the Millennials (Gallie et al. 2017). Concerning the circumstances, they may get resistive to think of doing a job in the same company because they have the tendency to look for a job where they could settle themselves and build up their entire career. If ever they apply for a job in the same company, this may be just a stop gap solution for them. They may never be wishing to build up their career in a company where job security is very minimal. They would rather keep on searching for a better option. The moment they get their best option will consider switching to the option rather than staying with the same employer (Gallie et al. 2017). Promotion of ethics: The ethical values are not just created easily. A hard fought practice under the guidance of ethical policies helps to establish such image. A number of years are spent on forming such reputation. However, the loyalty thus constructed may be seriously tested in dilemmas which are common to human resource management. In such dilemmas, it is important to be ethical, so that, the constructed image is retained (Shen and Benson 2016). My personal decision in the given case scenario: If I am at the Franz F position I would have preferred going with the normative ethics. Giving high regards to ethical values would be my first priority. I would have tried to maintain a balance between the seniors and the junior young employees. Employees are an asset to the organization (Huang et al. 2016). Hence, I would try to provide utmost values to it while also working to reduce the net expenses of the company. Instead of dismissing the seniors I would consider reducing the numbers of fresh employees. The dismissal will create few positions vacant and the load of work will also increase. To reduce the workload and maintain a balanced situation, I would ask the fresh employees to take up the additional roleplay. It is also important that freshers are not burdened as it may result in employee turnover (Albrecht et al. 2015). Hence, juniors need to be given some rewards in the form of monetary values, so that, they feel valued and motivated. Additionally, I will also ask the loy al seniors to train the freshers on higher responsibilities. This is one form of knowledge sharing which is one of the basics of the organizational learning (Albrecht et al. 2015). Hence, considering the 6 months period which had been given to Franz F, freshers may be sufficiently trained on additional expertise. Therefore, concerning the given scenario, the adherence to normative ethics is necessary to prevent any spoilage to the case companys reputation. According to the deontological beliefs, it is necessary to abide by the normative ethics and giving values to ethical works. This is the one way which justifies the values of the human resource management. Promotion of ethical values is a challenging task while keeping this protected from any harm is even more necessary. Franz F in the case scenario company needs to give utmost values to ethical values while dealing with the given situation. References: Albrecht, S.L., Bakker, A.B., Gruman, J.A., Macey, W.H. and Saks, A.M., 2015. 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